Training Films

Our learning and visual designers are always thinking out of box to come up with new and inventive ways to create and implement learning initiatives that are engaging and impactful. Our team can work wonders whether you need gamification, microlearning, virtual reality, simulations, localization, or quick course development.

We specialize into

Video Based Learning

Learning that uses videos as a medium for knowledge transfer is known as video-based learning. It is an engaging learning tool because it makes use of a variety of audio-visual components, including text, voiceovers, animated and camera footage, graphics, and special effects.

Scenario Based Learning

Online training frequently employs scenario-based learning (SBL), a well-liked teaching technique. In this real-world scenarios are used, which gives students a relatable and extremely relevant learning experience. They have a high engagement quotient because of its immersive approach.

We Design Best VBL Courses

  • Our video-based course offers an immersive learning experience.
  • Our video-based learning courses are SCORM-compliant, responsive, MP4 format, device-independent, and scalable.
  • Scalability is a feature of our video-based learning programs.
  • Our video-based courses can be translated and localized to fit the needs of various study groups.
  • We produce rich deliverables that are effective, entertaining, and meet learning objectives by combining the features and strengths of these tools.
  • On mobile devices, our video-based courses function seamlessly and are highly responsive. Therefore, learners are able to attend these courses wherever it is most convenient for them, even while commuting or traveling.

Our Creative SBL Courses

  • We understand the target audience while creating an appropriate scenario, this enables learners to apply their knowledge in practical settings.
  • We choose non-linear scenarios that often change depending on the learners’ response.
  • We ensure that the scenario outcomes has valid outcomes. depending on how learners respond,
  • We plan each path to align with the course’s learning objectives.
  • We aim for realism in the scenarios, images, videos, and interactive elements.
  • Wherever required we gamify the scenario to make it engaging, challenging, and retentive.

Benefits Of VBL

  • Engages multiple senses and hence is very engaging.
  • 95% information retention as it has both visual and audio.
  • Very effective for demonstration and examples.
  • Self-paced learning as the learner can control the video speed.
  • Videos-based learning courses run smoothly on any device.
  • Localization and can run on any device and any resolution.

Benefits Of SBL

  • Integrating scenario-based learning in storytelling inspires motivation in the learner.
  • Learning through scenarios has a better chance of yielding positive results like problem-solving abilities, and retention power.
  • Throughout the learning process, scenario-based learning is a great way to keep learners engaged.

Embracing AI technologies ~ in eLearning

We know Ai is the next happening thing in elearning space and we are getting to its core and working on prototypes to understand how we can integrate Ai in elearning for our clients. We are designing models which can help companies stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape. AI has the potential to transform corporate learning and development by offering personalized learning experiences, optimizing training content delivery, and enabling data-driven decision-making.

We are ready collaborate with organizations who would like to integrate Ai in learning. If you are interested please write to us.

eLearning Development Process

1. Defining Learning Objectives

We start with Defining the Learning Objectives to understand the learner’s WANTS and WHY. We focus on learner needs and goals, and it also provides us with a framework to evaluate the learning design.

2. Conducting Interviews

We engage with our target learners to identify their pain points by conducting interviews. We ask open-ended questions and listen to their experiences, challenges, and frustrations.

5. Test And Iterate

Finally we Test and Iterate learning design by creating prototypes of learning products (services), and get feedback from (potential) learners on how well it addresses their learning needs and expectations and solves their pain points.

3. Analyzing Learner Feedback

Analyzing learner feedback data is a crucial step and can be a game changer. Surveys, ratings, and comments unveil the nuances of their experience, shedding light on both positive aspects and pain points.

4. User Persona

Next, we analyze the collected user data to create User Persona that represents both novice and experienced employees. It helps us to design learning content to meet the specific needs and pain points of each group.

Our eLearning Solution

Custom Learning

We will design and develop eLearning courses that will blend with your traditional classroom learning or hands-on learning. We use engaging storytelling techniques for the best retention and recall. Our online courses offer self-paced learning with interactive media such as games, videos, tutorials, quizzes, etc. all accessible from LMS.

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning makes it possible to easily access training materials at any time or place. The uses of mobile phones are no longer limited to making and receiving calls, chatting, playing games, and online shopping. With ML, you can broaden your skill set following your needs and preferences and learn outside of typical classroom settings.

Video Based Learning

Corporate training programmes would benefit greatly from the inclusion of online training films, especially given the current remote learning environment. Their interactivity not only encourages participation but also makes them an excellent addition to the current learning resources in both formal and casual learning situations.

Scenario Based Learning

In scenario-based training, a learner is provided with the chance to hone a skill through practice in a realistically recreated environment that “replicates job conditions.” In an immersive learning environment that is, crucially, devoid of real-world repercussions, learners are granted the power to govern outcomes depending on decisions they make.

Course Designs